Free Entry by Post
We’ve updated our free “online” entry button to “Entry by Post” and this links to a page where you can build your balloon and print & post a PDF or copy an example postcard: Next we’ll add the following wording: “Online paid entries must register their balloons 2 days before the race start date. Postal […] relaunch
The relaunch is getting closer. I’ve been given the go ahead from my solicitor to add a FREE entry by post button – this changes the software from a lottery to a Free Prize Draw. The free entry button will be compulsory on all races. Entries via the free postal option will need a cut […]
Christmas Virtual Balloon Race
The Christmas balloons have now gone live.
Halloween Virtual Balloons
Today we added more balloons and ducks to all races. With 4 Spooky balloons added to the selection it’s now possible to build a Halloween theme when adding the haunted house backdrop. Again, with the ducks, when adding the river background you can build a virtual duck race.
It’s now possible to change the background the balloons fly over & upload your own background. The backgrounds need to be 1920 x 1600 pixels. See full guide and details on changing & uploading the backgrounds.
Balloon Race Updates
Here’s a few recent updates over the summer 2020: 29/04/2020 – We created the leaderboard widget to place the live leaderboard on any third party website. 22/05/2020 – We added a duck therefore making it possible to run a virtual duck race. More coloured ducks are on the way. 29/06/2020 We made the register a […]
Gambling Laws
UPDATE November 2020 – This is resolved – download the attached 22 page Legal Classification Advice – read the Conclusion on the last 2 pages. I’ve had a few charities ask me if they need a Gambling Licence to operate the balloon race. After looking into this I’ve come up with a solution but wanted to make Charities […]
Virtual Balloon Race for your PTA. Meet Sarah. Sarah volunteers for the PTA and wants to raise some cash to buy a new friendship bench. Sarah is lost for ideas, everybody is stuck at home and can’t come out. This makes Sarah sad. Then somebody tells Sarah about the Virtual Balloon Race, apparently it costs […]
Les Miserables
I’ve been following the Les Miserables tour around the UK for 2019. Now in 2020 they’re back in London at the reopening of the stunning Sondheim Theatre. It was great fun decorating the Ham Yard hotel and creating this crazy massive bunch for the stairs. We helium filled 2000 x 12″ balloons. We were working […]
NYE 2019
NYE 2019 could have been my busiest day of the year but is it my most profitable… probably not. NYE 2019 I took on less jobs and only worked in locations where it was easy to hang stuff – like The Hippodrome & Novikov. As a result there was time to have fun and eat […]