

When a client asks for Turquoise Balloons it usually means 6 possible options. In the Qualatex range there’s Caribbean Blue, Robins Egg Blue (who’s Robin and why are his eggs Blue?) and Tropical Teal. There’s even a Pearl Teal which is a mad dark green which gets even more confusing. In the Belbal range there’s […]

Barclaycard Arena

This arch at The Barclaycard Arena in Birmingham is longer than the average arch. Usually the arches I build are made with 5 or 6 carbon poles but this one used 8. I wouldn’t feel comfortable using 8 poles outdoors even in calm conditions but indoors it was stable and framed the athletes entrance.


I installed a couple of arches this morning for the British Athletics indoor meeting at EIS Sheffield. One of the arches was supposed to be outside but as it was forecast to snow for the 2 days we decided it was better to install both indoors. Snow tends to be heavy and the frame work […]

NYE 2016

This New Years events all went smoothly (a bit like last year). I had more work in London this year including the above photo from The Hippodrome in Leicester Square. You may be interested to know that at the turn of the 19th century live animals were thrown from this balcony. I found the best […]

Red Shoes

Here’s yesterdays installation at Sadler’s Wells Theatre for The Red Shoes. Again we inflated & bunched 800 balloons, with 10am access we were finished for 12.30. As the balloons needed to last until midnight I printed them on Qualatex which were also kinder on the fingers.

Pins & Plates

Here’s another car arch but this time the arch was going on a grass area outside the showroom… in the rain for 3 days. I moved the pins from the centre of the base plates to the corners so they could drive a car over both plates. Here’s the arch after 3 days in wind […]

Half a Sixpence

Yesterday I was back at the Prince of Wales theatre in Leicester Square for the Half a Sixpence launch party. With a team of 2 we started at 10am and had 80 bouquets of 10 in place for 3pm. Excellent 2 colour print on these – that’s a real photo above, it’s not superimposed.

Dentsu Aegis

Dentsu Aegis have a day of Halloween fun for staff and kids and we were invited to decorate the area and create something spooky. We arrived at 5am and had everything in place for 8.30am. Here’s a previous installation  at the same building & here’s the 2017 Monsters theme.

Schneider Electric

Here’s another drop at Old Billingsgate. This one was more difficult to rig as there was no simple route for the pull line. The 4 banners under the net were held in place with 4 steel cables which were sharp to touch. I didn’t want the pull line going anywhere near these so I took […]


Coca-Cola contacted me and asked for Round shaped balloons. My first thought was a 36″ as anything smaller is usually pear shaped. They didn’t want anything as big as a 36″ and required Silver Orbz Balloons so I sent them an inflated sample of a 24″ Orbz. They loved the sample and explained they were […]