

I’ve been using these Genie cylinders for a while now and I’ve been thinking about the advantages and disadvantages. I’m still using the old heavy cylinders as well because I have a regular customer base who want them (customers who don’t need to move the gas because it sits in the back of their store). […]


Balloon columns are a great alternative to an arch and work well when space is at a premium. We cover all the One Stop openings and refits across the Midlands. To help protect against the weather these columns are built on solid metal bases and poles and the balloons are downsized for better durability. With […]

3ft Table Decs

I tend to stay away from 3ft balloons for weddings as it’s just not my cup of tea. The popularity of Pinterest has started photos of these spreading around the internet and I get sent the images asking “can you do this?” followed by an image of a balloon holding up half a tree. For […]

Shop costs

Here’s the real costs of reopening our shop – so much for me saying it will cost nothing to reopen a shop we already own. Cowboy builder who did nothing but fill skip & make a mess – £1400.00 Awesome electrician who rewired the shop: £745.00 The rewire cut out the boiler for the flat […]

Username @balloon

About 3 years ago a French software company approach me to buy the domain name Whenever I get a decent offer for the domain I google the name of the person making the offers followed by the word ‘balloon’ (offers usually come from a @gmail or @yahoo email address). I did the above and […]

Lottery Wall

This wall contains 1750 balloons and took 2 staff 7 hours to build. There are no supports, bases or frame – the wall fits snug between the floor and ceiling and contains only balloons, line and some elastic bands. The balloons are sized to 10.5″ & 8.5″ to create a square pack garland. The two […]


At the London Olympics we created printed balloons and decorations for various events. The most spectacular was a 1000 balloon drop for Team USA. They booked a London venue for 3 months which included ripping everything out and then installing they’re own theme for the duration of the games. Then the venue was returned to […]

3ft Balloons

These 3ft latex balloons were projected with various moving shapes to create a spectacular effect across the Palace Suite at the Birmingham Metropole. We sized the balloons to 30″ to leave a little flexibility by squeezing the 3ft’s between 2 tables. The 3pm access to this function room was tight so we set up a […]

4ft Balloons

4ft Virgin Media balloons helium filled to promote cloud computing. It’s tricky to price a job that involves large balloons as it’s difficult to calculate the amount of helium required. I looked at the cubic capacity of a 4ft balloon and compared this with the BOC helium chart – so I calculated an L size should […]

Half Marathon

We setup a start and finish mile marker arches and inflated 500 Red & White balloons for a giveaway  at the Sunderland Half Marathon. This required a 2.30am start to have everything in place by 8am. Scaffolding with signage and banners is a must when there’s a large number of runners. We used helium filled […]

Floating a Man

We were employed by a lads magazine to inflate 120 x 3ft balloons with helium and attach them to a midget to see if he would float. The event and  procedure was also shown in a documentary which I edited and upload to YouTube. At all times we had a safety line to make sure […]