
Flag Balloons

Just in time for The Coronation we’ve added some flag balloons. Like most updates this was requested by a race administrator and I’ll look to expand the flag selection depending on popularity. I’ll need to add these to the downloads page which will happen over the following week.

Apple & Android Pay

Apple & Android pay have been added to the checkout. Everybody seems to be buying their balloons & ducks on the move so this makes payments easy and helps those who don’t carry their bank cards. The confirmation email link now displays an “Already paid for” message to stop those paying twice for the same […]

Angry Crab Shack

Organic Garland to frame The Angry Crab Shack in the Theatre District of London. I used carb foil shaped balloons and vinyl graphics on the larger 16″ balloons. As usual, my thanks to Laura & Alex for the help.

Balloon Race New Server 2023

The move to PHP was completed in September 2022 and everything is running so much better. During the changeover there were live races on both servers so to save confusion I ran the old server as and the new as Now the move is complete both domains point to the new server. The […]