Online Virtual Duck Race

Virtual Duck Race

Setup a Virtual Duck Race for £39, unlimited ducks included, easy card payment setup so start selling ducks today. View the demo Duck Race here.

Or you can build a spreadsheet and upload a CSV:

This Virtual Duck Race uses the same platform as our balloon race (there are references to balloons). We now have a “register a duck” page where only ducks are on offer.

10 New ducks have been added as well as the original 5 plain colours:

For best results sell the ducks over a 3 week period before the race starts. Set a start and finish date (most races are 7 days), the ducks move a random distance every hour for the 7 days of the race. This is not an event that happens in an hour, when the ducks start moving the race usually runs for a week.

Free Draw

All our balloon and duck races have a compulsory free postal entry which is easy to find. All ducks free or paid have an equal chance of winning. The free entry by post changes the software from a lottery (raffle) to a free draw and no licence is required. We do have a “Legal Classification Document” to back this up.

Leaderboard Widget

Below is an example of the live leaderboard widget to be added to any third party website.

UPATE 20/09/2020 – Originally I had the ducks moving in ft per hour (all other balloons move in km per hour). This seemed like a good idea at the time as a plastic duck will travel less distance than a floating balloon. However – I was surprised how often ducks were chosen in the standard balloon races and it caused confusion that the ducks were in ft and the balloons in km…. so I changed the ducks back to km to keep it simple.