Yes – the race starts and finishes automatically. The balloons move at 25 & 55 minutes past every hour so don’t panic when all balloons stay on 0km for the first 24 minutes.
You control when sales finish by selecting “Hide” for the “Buy a Balloon” button.
The race will finish automatically and display the final leaderboard for 2 months. You still have access to your admin area so you can download the information to CSV.

How fast do they move?
This depends how long your race runs and how many balloons are in it. The below shows a race that’s been running for 22 hours and has 500 entries. The average distance travelled per hour is 27km.
If you add balloons after the race starts – they will slow down the leaders. The balloon movement is calculated by an algorithm – the slower balloons pull back the leaders and the leaders accelerate the slower balloons. This results in a close race and hopefully avoids a runaway leader (the balloon in last place on the below example was on 434km).